

1. If the batik's statement agrees with my bank balance, it does not follow indisputably that the balance is correct.

A. indispensably

B. unquestionably

C. disreputably

D. consequently

2. Educational development is bound up with economic progress.

A. in accordance with

B. consistent with

C. independent of

D. closely related to

3. Export of handicraft products is the mainstay of the county's economy.

A. rich resources

B. primary concern

C. only source

D. main support

4. The man had a rather shady occupation and made a lot of money within a short period of time

A. profitable

B. comfortable

C. honorable

D. dishonest

5. They are meticulous in work, well aware a careless mistake will cost the company millions of pounds.

A. rather casual

B. pretty slow

C. very careful

D. really considerate

6. When the pacific War broke out, Edward was drafted by navy and served four full years on a big aircraft carrier.

A. enlisted

B. mobilized

C. approved

D. attracted

7. He was interested only in the story and skipped all those passages of landscape description.

A. thought badly of

B. went over

C. went through

D. passed over

8. Her panic was transient and ceased when she began to speak.

A. beyond description

B. unnoticed

C. passing quickly

D. vague


1.【答案】B. 本题中,indisputably的意思是“无争论余地地”。四个选项中,unquestionably的意思是“无疑地,无可非议地";indispensably的意思是“不可缺少地”; disreputably的意思是“不受好评地”; consequently的意思是“从而,因此”。

2.【答案】D. 本题中,bound up with的意思是“与…有密切联系;与..利益一致”。四个选项中,closely related to的意思是“与……密切相关”;in accordance with的意思是“与………一致,依照”;consistent with的意思是“符合”;independent of的意思是“不依赖于……”。

3.【答案】D. 本题中,mainstay的意思是“支柱,中流砥柱"。四个选项中,main support的意思是“主要支柱”;rich resources的意思是“丰富资源”;primary concern的意思是“基本关注”:only source的意思是“唯一来源”。

4.【答案】D. 本题中,shady的意思是“成荫的,多荫的,阴暗的"。四个选项中,dishonest的意思是“不正当的”,如:get money by dishonest means(非法赚钱,得不义之财)。profitable的意思是“有利可图的”;comfortable的意思是“舒适的”;honorable的意思是“值得尊敬的”。

5.【答案】C. 本题中,meticulous的意思是“小心翼翼的”。四个选项中,very careful的意思是“小心翼翼的”;rather casual的意思是“相当随意的”;pretty slow的意思是“很慢的”; really considerate的意思是“非常周到的”。

6.【答案】A. 本题中drafted的意思是“起草征兵,制定”。四个选项中,enlisted的意思是“被征兵”,如:According to the law a young man should enlist when heis18(根据法律规定青年人年满十八岁必须参军)。mobilized的意思是“被动员”;approved的意思是“经许可的”;attracted的意思是“受吸引的”。

7.【答案】D. 本题中,skipped的意思是“跳读,遗漏,跳跃”。四个选项中,passed over的意思是“忽略,省略”;thought badly of的意思是“努力想”;went over的意思是“复习,转变”;went through的意思是“经过,仔细检查”

8.【答案】C. 本题中,transient的意思是“ 短暂的,瞬时的"。四个选项中,passing quickly的意思是“短暂的”;beyond description的意思是“无法描述的”;unnoticed的意思是“不引人注意的”;vague的意思是“模糊的”。只有C项符合题意。

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